Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Smugmug Does The Right Thing For Well Known Photographers Family

While checking out some new photography sites I came across a truly amazing story, especially in this day and age of face internet friends.
A fellow photographer, Ginger Jones she passed away recently after a long illness.
"Ginger was a very active member of the photography community there, posting over 13,000 pictures to her SmugMug account and adding many of them to the Daily Photos community. A great landscape and nature photographer, she has won more DGrin Challenges than any other forum member."

Although I had never met her I was truly moved by Smugmug.com.

"I know that things are probably going to be a little tight for Ginger's family. Peruse her galleries, and buy a print maybe? Why not? That's how Ginger would want you to remember her: through one of her beautiful images. In fact if you like, SmugMug will buy a print for you. Just send a request (with a photo link) to our help desk, ATTN: Barb in the subject line, and we'll take care of it. Include your shipping address."

Thats right they will purchase the photograph for you send you the picture and send the money on to her family who really could use the help.

So please take a few minutes and look over her wonderful photographs. Buy one, buy two, or even if you can't afford it, send Smugmug an email and they will send you her wonderful work.

Although I have never met her she sounded like someone I would have loved to have known. She loved photography, and judging by her work, friends, and a wealth of photographers, photography LOVED her.

I am sadden I never got the chance to know a woman who loved her art so much.

As for Smugmug, Way to go!!! It's nice to see a company give back the the customers and community that made them.

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